Monday, September 20, 2010

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

Here's some interesting facts on the mountain ranges around the the world

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

Mountains exist on every continent and even beneath our great oceans. Mountains cover one-fifth of the earth's land surface, and are present in 75% of the world's countries.

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

Some of the highest mountains are at the bottom of the sea. Hawaii is at the top of a volcanic mountain in the Pacific Ocean. More than half the mountain is below water.

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

The world's longest mountain system is known as Ocean Ridge, which is a chain of mountains that runs on the seafloor of five oceans around the world; it has a length of 65,000 kilometres (40,400 mi), and the total length of the system is 80,000 kilometres.

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

The tallest known mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons, located on Mars. It is a little under three times as tall as Mount Everest.

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

The highest 14 mountains in the world are all found in the Himalayan range.

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

It is estimated that one eighth of the world's population lives in mountainous zones. The Alps are the most densely populated mountain area in the world.

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

The Andes, which runs more than 7,000 kilometres, is the longest mountain range on land while the Himalayas are the highest and the youngest.

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

The Himalayas are geologically alive! The southern front moves up approximately 20 mm a year and it is estimated that in 10 million years time, the Himalayas will have moved approximately 1,500 km into Asia.

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

Fast Facts: Mountains around the world

Some of the most photographed mountains in the world include - The Everest (Asia), the Matterhorn (Switzerland), Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), Mount Rushmore (USA), Mount Fuji (Japan).

Source: India Syndicate

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