Thursday, September 18, 2014

New Zealand Cricketer Chris Cairns driving truck cleaning bus shelters to sustain family

Desperate times need desperate measures — and for former cricket star Chris Cairns, these measures include working at bus shelters in Auckland and driving a council truck.

Cairns, who is facing a perjury charge, has legal bills mounting — and while he continues to live in Auckland's most expensive suburb, he has taken to working for $17 an hour at the bus shelter.

The New Zealand Herald, which also reported the story, quotes Cairns' best friend Dion Nash as saying: "He's trying really hard and supporting his family the best way he can. He's not moping around, he's showing guts and doing hard work by cleaning bus shelters. All I can do is support him, but as a friend it is really hard to watch his name being dragged through the mud with no conclusion in sight."

The report also quoted Cairns' wife Mel Croser: "He has no choice, he has to provide for his family ... We have bills to pay like everyone else. We don't own a house, we're paying rent like many other people and getting by is a struggle".

Not far back, in 2010, Cairns had proposed to Croser with a 3.2 carat diamond ring.

Cairns has vehemently denied all cheating claims as the investigation continues.


Former star all rounder of the New Zealand cricket team, Chris Cairns is driving a truck to make ends meet and support his family. The 44 year old cricketer, who for many, would be among the best the Kiwis produced in cricket, drives a truck for $17 an hour, and cleans bus shelters, international media reports showed.

Cairns has reportedly taken up a job with Auckland Council which operates trucks that are used for water blasting bus stations.

Cairns had been alleged for match fixing, after New Zealand test batsman Lou Vincent named him as Mister X, the former star player that lured Vincent into match fixing with promises of substantial cash rewards. Vincent has since admitted manipulating the outcome of matches in 12 countries and has received 11 life bans from cricket for those activities.

Mid day report quoted another former player, Dion Nash who said he supported Cairns and was by his side for the fixing issue. Nash said Cairns was being bold and was working hard to support his family in their tough times.


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